Feb 26, 2008

Right, what shall I draw now?

It's been a strange start to the year. Weeks have passed by without any cartoons being drawn to speak of. Don't know why, but I'm guessing it's something to do with allowing other, less interesting things take over my life. Housework, Paid Work, Eating and Making/building flat pack furniture. Some sleep was also involved, but that appears to be given as little consideration to the production of cartoons. I still watch the news, and think "that would make a great cartoon", but somehow I never manage to actually pick up my pens and draw.
I suppose I'm just incredibly unmotivated right now, and it's hard to get beyond that. On top of the usual pathetic excuses (for that's what they are) I've also been suffering from several bouts of life threatening 'man flu', which as all male readers of this blog will know is worst than the bubonic plague, and as most female readers will know as 'the sniffles'.
So today I've thought of another approach to this cartoon blogging lark. I'll just take a random cartoon worthy news story and draw the quickest, dirtiest sketch to illustrate my take on it.

Feb 7, 2008


After the longest break from this Blog, at last I've returned with some fresh cartoons. It's been over 2 months since the last update. The biggest surprise has been the number of hits has remained quite stable throughout this time of zero activity!
Thanks to those few people who've remained loyal followers through the cartoon famine. Sorry it's not a more spectacular cartoon to kick things off with.
I'll be posting up cartoons as often as I can manage to, and also some reviews of other web comics I've found out there. I might even post some of the old photo's I've found when moving house. Interesting times ahead...

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